How to Draw a Bottle

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This article will show you how to draw a clear water bottle with a pencil and paper. This does not consist of very many steps and will be an easy object to draw.

Things You Should Know

  • Draw the bottle cap first, followed by its mid-section, base, and the fine lines of the cap.
  • Then, draw the upper half of the bottle, including its neck where the bottle and cap meet.
  • Finish drawing the body of the bottle, then add color and detail to make it appear see-through.

Steps Download Article

  1. 1

    Draw out the top of the bottle cap.

  2. 2

    Draw the rest of the bottle cap's top.


  3. 3

    Draw the midsection of the bottle cap.

  4. 4

    Draw the base of the bottle cap. This the part that twists off from the bottle.

  5. 5

    Draw the fine lines that are usually at the top of the cap. Now, we will be moving on to drawing the bottle itself.

  6. 6

    Draw the upper half part of the bottle where the cap and the bottle meet.

  7. 7

    Draw the body of the bottle. These can come in many different shapes but for now, you may use the example image as your reference.

  8. 8

    Have your basic bottle shape completed.

  9. 9

    Add some detail. Draw your bottle in a way that it will appear to be see-through.

  10. 10

    And that is all! Color in your bottle with the medium of your choice.

  11. 11


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  • Question

    If I were to draw a bottle of Coke, would I have to do the label first?

    Community Answer

    I'd suggest drawing the basic shape of the bottle first, then going to the label, cap, details, etc.

  • Question

    How do I draw a bottle of Sprite?

    Community Answer

    Follow these steps, but add a label that says "Sprite" and make the bottle green-yellow with dots in it for bubbles.

  • Question

    How do I draw a mineral water?

    Community Answer

    You just have to write that it is mineral water on the label when you draw it.

  • Question

    How would I draw a colored bottle with liquid in it?

    Community Answer

    Instead of using pencil, use a colored pencil and continue using these steps. When you come to the step of drawing the liquid inside the bottle, use a shadow pencil or a grey and fill up the bottle as much as you want with the grey.

  • Question

    How do I draw a metal water bottle?

    Tianna Schwindel

    Tianna Schwindel

    Community Answer

    Drawing a metal water bottle, it might help to find references online. Study the images and try to recreate them. What helps make it look more realistic is studying the way light reflects off of the metal, and the way the metal changes in color with the shadows. If you have a metal water bottle at home, you can use that for reference and inspect that as well. Drawing a metal water bottle uses the same process as drawing any other water bottle, you just have to take into note that light is affected by metal different than the way it is affected by plastic.

  • Question

    How to draw a crushed bottle?

    Tianna Schwindel

    Tianna Schwindel

    Community Answer

    If you're drawing a crushed plastic water bottle, try taking an empty one from your house and crushing it, then use it as a model. Study the way that the plastic caves in on itself and overlays the other indents after it has been crushed. Try to recreate this on paper, paying attention to the details of the lines and the way the water bottle sits and reacts to the light, including its shadows.

  • Question

    How do I draw water dripping from a bottle?

    Tianna Schwindel

    Tianna Schwindel

    Community Answer

    If you have already drawn your bottle, you can draw a teardrop shape where the water is dripping from the bottle. Then draw little dome shapes where water is collecting on the bottle if it is collecting on the sides of the image. If not, draw circles. then add your color, highlights, and shading to the droplets. Try adding white to make them look more realistic.

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  • Be creative. Don't be afraid to experiment with your bottle drawing a little bit.

  • If you want, draw the label of your favorite water company.

  • Be sure to have an eraser handy if you should make a mistake.

  • There are many different bottle shapes you can choose from. If you need to, don't hesitate to use a real bottle as a reference.

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Article Summary X

To draw a water bottle, start by sketching a rectangular shape for the cap. Draw a narrow band under the cap to represent the seal that breaks when you twist the cap off. Then, add two short lines extending down from the cap to represent the neck of the bottle. Continue the lines of the neck but curve them out and away from each other to represent the top part of the bottle. Next, draw the body of the bottle. If you want, you can do this by sketching in a basic rectangular shape, then adding details like the ridges, curves, and indentations. For instance, some water bottles are slightly narrower in the middle to make them easier to grip. Fill in other important details such as the ridges around the cap and the label on the bottle, then go over the outlines of your drawing in ink. Erase any guidelines or extra pencil marks. If you like, add color and shading to make the bottle look more realistic.

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